Did You Know This About Real Estate?

In case you haven’t noticed, I love real estate. I am very passionate about both the fun of fixing up neglected properties, and the financial security real estate can provide you with.

I love that you can flip properties for quick cash, and also invest in your future and retirement.

Think about it: People work their entire lives to get $2000 a month from a pension or social security.

Did you know that you can generate the same $2000 a month for life with just one rents house, and in less than half the time?

And that’s just one house!

What if you did 3 houses?

Or 5?

Or 10?

What number do you think is reasonable? 

What is YOUR number?

I met a retired salesman a couple months ago while visiting my in laws in Longboat Key, Florida.

He made a good living as a salesman, but he wasn’t rich. 

He had a simple plan: each year, he bought 1 new home with bank money and put a enter in it. 

Now he is retired. He has 36 properties and has passive income coming from every single one.

He has a property management company handle everything for him. 

His told me about how his favorite day of the month is the first of the month. He goes to his PO BOX and picks up 36 rent checks and deposits them in his bank account.

The property management company and his accountant deduct the small expenses for taxes, insurance and repairs, and he keeps the rest.

And it is a HECK of a lot more than he made as a salesman. 

I prefer a mix a commercial and residential buildings, but this works for him. 

That’s the beauty of real estate: there are so many ways to be successful in it. 

I simply cannot imagine an easier way to create an incredible, financially free retirement.

But there is one catch: YOU HAVE TO GET IN THE GAME.

Far too many people sit on the sidelines, do nothing, and watch everyone around them succeed in real estate. 

Are you ready to get in the game?

Urgent: The Housing Market is Changing

The warning signs are all there:

1.) The national median asking price for homes on Realtor.com has just hit $350,000. This is out of the price range of most families and is not sustainable.  

Right before the crash in 2008, the median home price hit right around $236,000.  We are now $114,000 HIGHER than right before the big crash of 2008.

2.) Housing prices have been falling in New York City, even before COVID hit. If you follow the housing market across the US, you will see that housing trends start in NYC.  They then move to California, Texas, and Florida.  Then it spreads out to the rest for the country.

It is like clockwork and it is highly predictable.

3.) There is a dip in the housing market roughly every 10 years. It has been 12 years since the last big dip in 2008.


Very simple: when the housing market starts to drop, 97% of people run away from real estate.  

They act out of fear.

But 3% of people start heavily investing in real estate.

Warren Buffet has been quoted: “Be fearful when others are greedy, and be greedy when others are fearful.”

I’ll be blunt: all statistical indicators are showing that a new housing dip has already begun.

Which means the next 4-5 years are going to be FULL of opportunity!


2 Different Strategies By Ben Moskel

One of the big advantages of rehabbing a house is that you have 2 primary options:

1.  Buy it, rehab it, and sell it.  This provides for a big payday.

2.  Buy it, rehab it, and rent it.  This option provides you with a steady cash flow stream.  The advantage here is that you can get away with spending less money on the rehab.

Here is a house that I think would be an OUTSTANDING cash flow rental property:

Ben Moskel
Ben Moskel

Cleveland, OH 44105

Ben Moskel
Ben Moskel

This is a duplex. Each unit is a 2 bedroom, one bathroom unit.

Ben Moskel
Ben Moskel

The fundamentals are solid; it just needs some cosmetic work, and mostly on the interior.

Here are the numbers:

Purchase Price: $4,500
Rehab costs for rental:  $20,000
Total investment:  $24,000

Annual Cash Flow: $14,400 ($600/month/unit)

That is an incredible return on your money!  You would have your entire investment paid off in just 20 months.

After that, you would be making $1,200 per month, minus upkeep, from this one property!

How many of these houses would you need to retire comfortably?

How many would you need to retire VERY comfortably?

Send a Text, Buy a Property – Ben Moskel

Did you know you can make offers on houses using text messages?

For example, just last Friday I bought a property by sending a text message to the listing agent.

Here are the numbers on that deal:

– Down payment to buy the property: $5k – Rehab costs: $12k
– Net (take home) profit: $120k

The average person doesn’t flip a house and therefore doesn’t make any profit.